
Venturiella sinensis var. angusti-annulata Griff. & Sharp is reported for the first time from Arkansas. Bryophyte collections made on sandstone outcrops in north-central Arkansas resulted in a new location for Venturiella sinensis var. angusti-annulata Grill. & Sharp. This variety has been reported from only two other states in North America, Texas (Bartram 1934) and Oklahoma (Ikenberry et al. 1960; Redfearn 1970). Venturiella sinensis var. sinensis (Vent. ex Rabh.) C. M. has not been reported from North America. According to Griffin and Sharp (1971) this variety occurs primarily in Eastern Asia. The occurrence of Venturiella in Arkansas represents the most eastern locality for this genus in North America. The collection site is located in a short-leaf pinehardwood forest, dominated by Quercus velutina Lam., Q. alba L., Carya texana Buckl. and Pinus echinata Mill. (Foti 1971), at the edge ofa sandstone outcrop. The moss was collected from the bark of black oak, Q. velutina, approximately 1.5 meters above the ground. Specimens examined. ARKANSAS. STONE CO.: 4 km south of Calico Rock just west of AR 5. SEI4, sec. 22, T. 17 N, R. 11W, bark of black oak at edge of sandstone outcrop, Timme 982 (UARK, SMS), det. P. L. Redfearn, Jr. According to Crum and Anderson (1981), Venturiella in North America is represented only by V. sinensis var. angusti-annulata, and has a limited ecological amplitude. Though it may be rare, its distribution may be broader than previously estimated especially if further localities in Texas, Oklahoma, and now Arkansas are discovered. Certainly a careful search for this taxon is needed in the south-central area of the United States. Bartram, E. B. 1934. Venturiella sinensis (Vent.) C. M. in Texas. THE BRYOLOGIST 37: 46. Crum, H. A. & L. E. Anderson. 1981. Mosses ofEastern North America. Columbia Univ. Press, New York. Foti, T. L. 1971. The Relationship between Woody Vegetation and Soil Factors on Selected Upland Forest Sites of the Sylamore District, Ozark National Forest, Arkansas. Master's Thesis, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Griffin, D. G. & A. J. Sharp. 1971. Venturiella sinensis (Vent.) C. M. var. angusti-annulata var. nov., with floristic notes on the type locality. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 34: 398-402. Ikenberry, G. J., C. D. Bird & W. F. Mahler. 1960. The mosses of Payne County, Oklahoma. THE BRYOLOGIST 63: 112-113. Redfearn, P. L., Jr. 1970. Bryophytes of the Interior Highlands XV. Additions to the flora. THE BRYOLOGIST 73: 716-717. This content downloaded from on Mon, 25 Apr 2016 07:07:28 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms

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