
The present communication contains observations on ventricular response to auricular premature beats and to auricular flutter with especial reference to the electrocardiogram. Auricular premature beats may be attended by normal or abnormal ventricular response, normal or aberrant complexes in the electrocardiogram. Of twenty-three patients with auricular premature beats, whose electrocardiograms were taken at the Massachusetts General Hospital, twelve showed entirely normal ventricular complexes following the abnormal auricular deflections ; six showed both normal and slightly aberrant ventricular complexes ; four showed normal, slightly aberrant and markedly aberrant complexes, and one showed merely slightly aberrant ventricular complexes. In the electrocardiogram of those patients showing both normal and abnormal or aberrant deflections, the earlier the premature beat the more likely it was to be followed by an abnormal ventricular complex (Figs. 1, 2 and 3). In Figure 1 the earliest premature auricular contractions are entirely blocked ; those coming

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