
The ventral amygdalofugal pathway (VAFP) provides afferent and efferent connections to the amygdala and spans along some of the frequently traversed intra-axial surgical corridors as a dominant fiber bundle. This study aimed to reveal the frequently overlooked VAFP fibers by examining their courses and connections to the basal forebrain, septal region, hypothalamus, thalamus, tegmentum, and brainstem. Ten postmortem human brains were used to display the characteristics of the VAFP, and fiber dissection results were compared with those of tractography. From anterior to posterior, the VAFP was separated into 5 different portions: 1) amygdala-substantia innominata; 2) amygdaloseptal (diagonal band of Broca); 3) amygdalo-thalamic; 4) amygdalo-hypothalamic, intermingling with the medial forebrain bundle and extending to the bed nucleus of stria terminalis; and 5) amygdalotegmental. The results of fiber dissections were confirmed with findings obtained from diffusion tensor tractography. This study supports the concept that interconnected forebrain, diencephalic, mesencephalic, and brainstem connections of the VAFP form an integrated surgically important network. The fiber dissection findings also provide the neuroanatomical basis for VAFP segmentation, which may help neurosurgeons better appreciate the complex microsurgical anatomy of the amygdalar connections. Amygdala-substantia innominata and amygdalotegmental connections are demonstrated for the first time and clarified within the structure of the VAFP.

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