
Preterm infants have immature control of breathing and impaired pulmonary gas exchange. We hypothesized that infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) have a blunted ventilatory response and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2 ) instability during a hypoxic challenge. We evaluated the response to hypoxia in 57 very preterm infants (38 no BPD, 10 mild BPD, 9 moderate-to-severe BPD) at 36 weeks' postmenstrual age. The fraction of inspired oxygen (FI O2 ) was reduced stepwise at 5-min intervals to achieve peripheral SpO2 between 86% and 95%. The lowest permissible FI O2 and SpO2 were 0.14% and 86%. We recorded SpO2 , FI O2 , and the respiratory signal (respiratory inductive plethysmography). We calculated respiratory rate (RR), tidal volume (VT ), minute ventilation (VE ), and respiratory drive (ratio between VT and inspiratory time, VT /TI ). SpO2 variability was expressed as the interquartile range (IQR). FI O2 was reduced from a median (Q1, Q3) of 0.21 (0.21, 0.21) to 0.17 (0.17, 0.18). We observed a marked individual variability in the ventilatory response to the hypoxic challenge, regardless of BPD severity. At the lowest permissible FI O2 , 37(65%) infants reduced their VE , and 20 (35%) increased minute ventilation; 20infants (35%) developed periodic breathing associated with increased SpO2 IQR and lower SpO2 minima, and 16 (28%) exhibited an oscillatory pattern in VE and SpO2 without end-expiratory pauses, regardless of BPD severity. In very preterm infants, a mild hypoxic challenge reduced ventilation, increased SpO2 variability and periodic breathing regardless of BPD severity.

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