
The present investigation was undertaken to apply theoretical methods to the ventilation of the polluted air in room where carbondioxide was not completely diffused. Cm+1, Cm, and Cm-1 are concentrations of carbondioxide at places (m+1) δX, mδX and (m-1) δX at time T (=nδT), respectively, C+m is the concentration of cabondioxide at a place mδX at (n+1) δT, where superscript+denotes time (n+1) δT, subscripts m, (m+1) and (m-1) denote spaces mδX, (m+1) δX and (m-1) δX, respectively. Assuming that concentracion of carbondioxide depends on time and space, the following equation can be obtained, ∂C/∂T=D (∂2C/∂X2) where X is a distance from a source of the evolution of carbondioxide, and D is a constant (not equal to 0). Implicit difference analogue for the above equation can be obtained as follows, (∂2C/∂X2)m=(Cm+1-2Cm+Cm-1)/(δX)2 According to the Taylor's expansion theorem, the Schmidt's and Dusinberre's methods, following equations can be obtained, C+m=(Cm+1+Cm-1)/2 C+m=(Cm+1+Cm+Cm-1/3 respectively. In two dimensional diffusion, Cj, k+1 and Cj, k-1 are concentrations of carbondioxide at places x=jh, y=(k±1) h at time T (=nδT), and Cj+1, k and Cj-1, k are at places x=(j±1) h, y=kh, respectively, and C+j, k is at a place x=jh, y=kh at time (n+1) δT. The following equation can be obtained as one dimensional diffusion, C+j, k=(Cj+1, k+Cj-1, k+Cj, k+1+Cj, k-1)/4 It was found experimentally that above equations were appropriate from the concentrations of carbondioxide in room.

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