
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) comprise venous thromboembolism (VTE). Together, they comprise a serious health problem as there are over 275,000 new VTE cases per year in the United States, resulting in a prevalence of one to two per 1,000 individuals, with some studies suggesting that the incidence may even be double that. This review covers assessment of a VTE event, initial evaluation of a patient suspected of having VTE, medical history, clinical presentation of VTE, physical examination, laboratory evaluation, imaging, prophylaxis against perioperative VTE, indications for immediate intervention (threat to life or limb), indications for urgent intervention, and management of nonemergent VTE. Figures show a modified Caprini score questionnaire used at the University of Michigan to determine individual risk of VTE and the indicated prophylaxis regimen; Wells criteria for DVT and PE; phlegmasia cerulea dolens secondary to acute left iliofemoral DVT after thigh trauma; compression duplex ultrasonography of lower extremity veins; computed tomographic angiogram of the chest demonstrating a thrombus in the pulmonary artery, with extension into the right main pulmonary; management of PE according to Wells criteria findings; management of PE with right heart strain in cases of massive or submassive PE; treatment of DVT according to clinical scenario; a lower extremity venogram of a patient with May-Thurner syndrome and its subsequent endovascular treatment; and various examples of retrievable vena cava filters (not drawn to scale). Tables list initial clinical assessment for VTE, clinical scenarios possibly benefiting from prolonged anticoagulation after VTE, indications for laboratory investigation of secondary thrombophilia, venous thromboembolic risk accorded to hypercoagulable states, and Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria Score to avoid the need for D-dimer in patients suspected of having PE. This review contains 11 highly rendered figures, 5 tables, and 167 references. Key words: anticoagulation; deep vein thrombosis; postthrombotic syndrome; pulmonary embolism; recurrent venous thromboembolism; thrombophilia; venous thromboembolism; PE; VTE; DVT

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