
We reviewed a total of 2,525 snakebite patients in Bangkok. Of these, 1,415 were bitten by venomous snakes, 91 by neurotoxic snakes of genus Naja or Bungarus and 1,324 by snakes of family Viperidae or Crotalidae. Seventy-one percent of bites were on the lower extremity. There were two fatal cobra bites; both patients were dead on arrival at the hospital. Bites from vipers caused morbidity but no deaths. Species-specific antivenins are effective in reversing respiratory failure from cobra bites and coagulopathies from bites by Viperidae and Crotalidae snakes. However, early respiratory and wound care will save lives even in the absence of specific cobra and krait antivenin. Care of a snakebite victim should consist of immobilization and bandaging of the bitten limb with elastic bandages during transport to the hospital, early surgical debridement of necrotic tissue, appropriate infusion of antivenin, aggressive respiratory support, management of shock and infection, and peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. Incision of bite wounds, suctioning, application of ice, and tourniquets are of no proven value and may be dangerous. All snakebite victims in southeast Asia should survive if they receive early competent care.

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