
The present study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of venomous animal sting and bites in Lordegan city, Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province of Iran. In this descriptive study, data were collected based on the available information of Lordegan health centers during 2 years. The data were extracted, categorized, and analyzed statistically by tables. In the years 2019 to 2020, 1038 cases of bites have been reported in Lordegan city. Among the animals, stings with scorpion 67.8% and then bees 6.2%, snakes 3.6% and bites with unknown factor 22.2% were involved. Most cases of sting and bites occurred in the age range of 25 to 34 years (19.2%) and the lowest in the age group over 65 years (3.6%). Sting and bites were observed in men by 48.7% and in women 51.3%. Due to the sting and bites of various animals and the fact that some of these factors have been introduced as unknown, the need to increase the knowledge and awareness of health care staff and the same public education in high-risk areas can be significantly effective in the reduction of being bitten and its subsequent hardship.

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