
Although digital teaching files are important to radiology education, there are no current satisfactory solutions for export of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) images from picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) in desktop publishing format. A vendor-neutral digital teaching file, the Radiology Interesting Case Server (RadICS), offers an efficient tool for harvesting interesting cases from PACS without requiring modifications of the PACS configurations. Radiologists push imaging studies from PACS to RadICS via the standard DICOM Send process, and the RadICS server automatically converts the DICOM images into the Joint Photographic Experts Group format, a common desktop publishing format. They can then select key images and create an interesting case series at the PACS workstation. RadICS was tested successfully against multiple unmodified commercial PACS. Using RadICS, radiologists are able to harvest and author interesting cases at the point of clinical interpretation with minimal disruption in clinical work flow.

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