
The fleet system uses a very well-established technology called the vehicle tracking system, the fleet system is the owner of the automobile and vehicle movement of goods around the globe, this technology is very reliable and safe. There’s a proposition of a real-time tracking system in this paper and it’s going to create a system that can be used for positioning and tracking of any vehicle by using Global System for Mobile communication and Satellite navigation system (Global positioning system). This system is designed as an application and will continuously indicate the status of the vehicle by monitoring its movement on demand. The device used for tracking to know the vehicle’s location in real-time is made up of the SIM900A module, Arduino Uno R3, and NEO 6M GPS module. For accomplishing this the Arduino Uno R3 has to be serially interfaced with the GPS and GSM modules. For reporting the location of the vehicle continuously from a remote place the GSM module is used, while the other GPS module is continuously updating the Arduino of data such as latitude, speed, longitude, and distance traveled by using the satellite. For viewing the position of the vehicle on the map Google Map is used. By using the application the user can send a message of a number that is registered on the GSM that’s attached to the Arduino, by doing this. The user will be able to receive information like longitude, google map lining of the vehicle, and latitude by a text message. This proposal contains vehicle security, salesman tracking, and private drivers.

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