
VANET is a technology where vehicles are considered as mobile nodes to create a mobile network. In the existing model, vehicle obstructs the communication between other vehicles will not be considered as an obstacle. Due to existing model the impact on the LOS (Line Of Sight) obstruction, received signal power, packet reception rate could not be analyzed. This can be resolved by introducing the proposed model of vehicle to infrastructure communication where vehicles are modeled as physical obstacles. Keywords - VANET, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure, simulation, signal propagation modeling, Global positioning system (GPS) I. Introduction Now days, the frequently occurring accidents causes enormous number of death and injuries. To increase the safety of vehicle and in addition to traditional passive safety technologies. Seatbelts, and airbags, new vehicular communication technologies can be implemented for achieve safety application used to be developed. In vehicle -to -vehicle communication, a vehicle that is not able to communicate with the other vehicle means, in such cases the vehicle to infrastructure communication is possible. For that vehicle search the nearest base station with in the particular range. Then the follower vehicle sends a message to the base station and then the base station forward to its leader vehicle. Few examples are cooperative forward collision warnings. Emergency breaking and hazardous location vehicle -to -Infrastructure notifications. The initiation to create safety efficient and more comfortable driving conditions used a strong support from both government and car manufactures. Vehicle -to -Infrastructure communications, which an important role, which enabling the safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment (1). II. Related work

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