
The Humboldt University in Berlin and the DLR (German National Aeronautics and Space Research Centre) are also observing a lack of clear definitions [4]. We sometimes speak of automated driving or driverless vehicles, and on other occasions of semi-automated or fully autonomous driving. “Often, it is not clear what kinds of means of transport are involved, which concrete possibilities and potentials and which risks are related to them and which challenges need to be overcome on the way towards autonomous driving”, the authors write [4]. Dekra CEO Stefan Kolbl even believes that vehicle technology itself is not the crucial factor: “After all, a number of manufacturers have already proven that vehicles are technically capable of driving autonomously. Various manufacturers have already proven from a technical point of view that vehicles are able to drive autonomously.” For him, the real challenges lie more in the framework conditions, which require “very clear standards, regulations and controls” in this respect.

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