
This paper presents an algorithm for vehicle detection in high-resolution aerial images through a fast sparse representation classification method and a multiorder feature descriptor that contains information of texture, color, and high-order context. To speed up computation of sparse representation, a set of small dictionaries, instead of a large dictionary containing all training items, is used for classification. To extract the context information of a patch, we proposed a high-order context information extraction method based on the proposed fast sparse representation classification method. To effectively extract the color information, the RGB color space is transformed into color name space. Then, the color name information is embedded into the grids of histogram of oriented gradient feature to represent the low-order feature of vehicles. By combining low- and high-order features together, a multiorder feature is used to describe vehicles. We also proposed a sample selection strategy based on our fast sparse representation classification method to construct a complete training subset. Finally, a set of dictionaries, which are trained by the multiorder features of the selected training subset, is used to detect vehicles based on superpixel segmentation results of aerial images. Experimental results illustrate the satisfactory performance of our algorithm.

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