
The expression of pro-lymphangiogenic VEGF-C in primary tumors is associated with sentinel lymph node metastasis in most solid cancer types. However, the impact of VEGF-C on distant organ metastasis remains unclear. Perivascular tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) play a crucial role in guiding hematogenous spread of cancer cells by establishing metastatic pathways within the tumor microenvironment. This process supports breast cancer cell intravasation and metastatic dissemination. We show here that VEGF-C-expressing TAMs reduce the dissemination of mammary cancer cells to the lungs while concurrently increasing lymph node metastasis. These TAMs express podoplanin and interact with normalized tumor blood vessels expressing VEGFR3. Moreover, clinical data suggest inverse association between VEGF-C-expressing TAMs and breast cancer malignancy. Thus, our study elucidates the paradoxical role of VEGF-C-expressing TAMs in redirecting cancer cells to preferentially disseminate to lymph nodes rather than to lungs, partially achieved by normalizing tumor blood vessels and promoting lymphangiogenesis.

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