
Myrica esculenta is a wild nitrogen fixing tree, growing naturally in the forest edges at high elevation rain fed areas. This species is generally propagated via seeds but physical dormancy caused by impermeable seed coat causes an unreliable germination pattern. In the present study different types of cuttings were collected and planted in an open side area at Khirsu as well as in mist chamber after treating with different hormonal (IBA) doses i.e. 1000 ppm; 2000 ppm; 4000 ppm; 6000 ppm and one set was soaked in water and kept as control. No rooting was observed from any type of cutting however, only few cuttings at 4000 ppm IBA treatment in the June month were sprouted and died after three weeks of transplanting. In case of air layering, maximum roots were sprouted in the air layered treatments done during post summer or rainy season whereas, air layered done during winter season or pre summer season, no response was observed. Maximum (15.83%) rooting was recorded in the 4000 ppm IBA followed by 6000 ppm (9.17%), 2000 ppm (6.67%) and minimum in 1000 ppm (4.17%) treatments. In this study overall 7.17 per cent rooting was recorded in first year and 1.67 per cent in second year. The air layering done in the VMG at Dehradun all air layered branches except control showed rooting and better performance was recorded in 4000 ppm IBA than other. Both seed and air layered raised plants when planted in the field their growth and survival percentage was almost similar.

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