
Vegetative terminal and axillary bud development and the time and method of cone initiation and cone bud development are described for Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.Cell divisions began in vegetative buds early in April. A brief period of apical enlargement was followed by bud-scale initiation for 10 weeks. Buds were initiated in the axils of some leaf primordia about the time of vegetative bud burst, 1 month after vegetative bud dormancy ended. All buds completed bud-scale initiation by the end of June, which coincided with the end of the rapid phase of lateral shoot elongation. This was followed by a 2-week period of bud differentiation, during which time few primordia were initiated, apical size increased, and apical shape and zonation changed more in reproductive than in vegetative apices. Leaf and bract initiation began by mid-July and continued until mid-October, when vegetative and seed-cone buds became dormant. Microsporophyll initiation began earlier and was nearly completed by the end of July; pollen-cone buds became dormant in mid-September.The number of cone buds is determined by the proportion of axillary bud primordia that fully developed and the pathway along which they developed. Potential seed-cone buds may become latent but more commonly differentiate into vegetative buds of low vigor. Potential pollen-cone buds frequently become latent but have not been observed to differentiate into vegetative buds. The position of the axillary bud on the shoot and of the shoot in the tree strongly influences axillary bud development in Abies.

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