
Riparian vegetation distribution patterns and diversity relative to various fluvial geomorphic channel patterns, stream bank stabilization methods, and stream flow processes are described and interpreted for selected nature-friendly small stream bank protection of Goesan, central Korea. Idong Stream Pilot Project, which began in May 2003 and finished in December 2003, was selected to develop effective methods which was nature-friendly stream bank protection. The project aim to maintain or increase stream bank stabilization ecosystem goods and services while protecting downstream and stream bank ecosystem. A number of protecting methods which were a Flight of fieldstone, Vegetation block, Green river block, Stone net, Green environment block, Eco friendly cobble, Vegetation mat and Geo-green cell and Firefly block were applied on the bank of Idong stream. The stream sites have been monitored about vegetation conditions each method in 2007. We selected six points to separately investigate in left and right bank. The main purpose of this study was to find out suitable methods and to improve stream restoration techniques for ecosystem. On the stream bank, H environment block method (9.7) was the highest average of vegetation coverage and Firefly block method (3.87) was the lowest average in applied methods.

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