
AbstractThe methodology used in the vegetation study is the classic one developed by Braun-Blanquet (Denkschr Schweiz Naturf Ges 6:183–349, 1926; Pflanzensoziologie, 1964), with some modifications proposed by Borza (Bul Grăd Bot Cluj 14(1):21–84, 1934). In the relevés, the second digit represents the frequency of the species on the surface of the survey and not the sociability according to Braun-Blaquet. The relevés grouping in associations was based on one or more characteristic regional species, which are often also the dominant species for the association. The classification of the associations in alliances, orders and vegetation classes was done as well based on the characteristic species designated by established phytosociologists in Europe. The syntaxa with zonal distribution in the national park were the basic criteria in delimiting and characterizing the three altitudinal vegetation belts: montane, subalpine and alpine.

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