
The overall objectives of this study are to (1) provide a map of the current vegetation of Zion National Park (ZNP), (2) provide a listing of all vascular plants known for the park, (3) list all rare, endangered, and exotic plant species growing within the park and describe the distribution and habitat preferences of each as fully as possible, (4) list representative locations for examples of undisturbed stands of each of the major vegetational types, and (5) present our basic field data to the park on computer disks with software programs that will permit employees to access data files easily and systematically. These objectives will be satisfied using field data collected in the growing seasons of 1987, 1988, and 1989 at 0.01 ha survey plots. Those plots were laid out at the intersections of a grid with intersections 1.6 km apart. Ideally, the samples should have been taken at all section corners using cadastral survey maps, but some remote areas in the park have not been surveyed. As a consequence, the Universal Tranverse Mercator grid system is used as the reference system for describing plot locations. A total of slightly over 310 survey plots have been sampled in the park.

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