
Cibodas Botanic Garden area is adjacent with natural forest of Mt. Gede Pangrango National Park which consequences both vegetation in the border area are influence each other. The aims of this research were to study plant vegetation of forest area adjacent to Cibodas Botanical Garden and compare it with forest interior using transect method. The results showed that species richness in forest interior were higher than adjacent forest area. Furthermore, number of tree species, basal area and Shannon-Wienner diversity index in forest boundaries were higher rather than forest interior. Habitats along the forest edge were inhabited by trees with large dbh and low tree density. While trees inhibited forest interior areas with high density but small in size. The trees in forest interior were dominated by Schima wallichii, Lithocarpus pallidus and Turpinia sphaerocarpa . While trees in the forest boundary vegetation were dominated by Engelhardtia spicata, Litsea firma and Lithocarpus indutus . The tree age structure of forest interior and forest edge showed an inverted J-pattern and flat pattern respectively. Meanwhile, tree communities on edge forest vegetation showed similar age structure, especially in middle diameter class.


  • Kata Kunci: efek tepi, hutan alami, interior hutan, Kebun Raya Cibodas, Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango

  • The results showed that species richness in forest interior were higher than adjacent forest area

  • The trees in forest interior were dominated by Schima wallichii, Lithocarpus pallidus and Turpinia sphaerocarpa

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Interior hutan

Pengambilan data vegetasi tumbuhan dilakukan dengan metode transek sepanjang 100 m dengan lebar 10 m mengikuti jalan setapak dari batas kebun raya ke dalam kawasan hutan. Untuk jenis tumbuhan yang tidak dapat diidentifikasi maka dilakukan pengambilan voucher tumbuhan dan selanjutnya diidentifikasi dengan mencocokkan dengan herbarium yang ada di herbarium Cibodas. Parameter vegetasi yang diamati meliputi kerapatan, frekuensi, dan kerimbunan yang dinyatakan dalam luas basal area diestimasi dari hasil pengukuran DBH untuk jenis pohon. Secara umum kekayaan jenis pada interior hutan lebih tinggi dibandingkan batas hutan. Pada interior hutan total terdapat 69 jenis tumbuhan yang terdiri dari pohon, perdu, herba, paku-pakuan, dan pemanjat berkayu. Sementara itu pada batas hutan terdapat 60 jenis tumbuhan dengan semua bentuk hidup hadir di vegetasi batas hutan (Tabel 2). Daftar jenis tumbuhan secara lengkap dapat dilihat pada Tabel 3

Pinanga javana
Kelas diameter
Indeks kesamaan
Jumlah palem
Tree Species and Structural Composition of the Kilengwe Forest in Morogoro
Mempengaruhi Kunjungan wisatawan di
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