
Past work suggests that vegetarianism is common in patients diagnosed with eating disorders (EDs), but the exact nature of this association is unclear, with reports conflicting as to whether vegetarianism is a risk factor for EDs, complicates ED treatment, or is wholly innocuous. Since vegetarianism has been on the rise, the need for current data on possible links with EDs is substantial. We collected data on demographics, vegetarian status, ED diagnosis, current body mass index (BMI), highest and lowest BMI, Eating Attitudes Test, and Multifactorial Assessment of Eating Disorders Symptoms scores at intake in 124 patients (84.7% women, 90.3% white, Mage = 23.92 ± 9.16years) admitted to an intensive outpatient ED program. We first compared omnivores (n = 72, 58.1%), meat-reducers (n = 27, 21.8%), vegetarians (n = 20, 16.1%), and vegans (n = 5, 4.0%) and found no significant differences in any demographic or outcome variable, with the exception that vegetariansreported significantly lower highest-ever BMI compared to meat-reducers (p = 0.03). To mirror past chart reviews, we then compared the combined groups of meat avoiders (n = 52, 41.9%) to the omnivores (n = 72, 58.1%) and found no significant differences in demographics or ED symptoms (all ps > 0.05). Overall, data support that meat restriction does not imply greater ED severity. Level V, descriptive study, retrospective chart review.

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