
Human activities produce significant changes in the hydroperiod and microtopography of mangrove ecosystems that result in difficulties for restoration; in a few cases restorations involve the incorporation of artificial ground level elevations (Accretions) and the recreation of a level insolation similar to Forest Canopy. This study was structured to evaluate the effectiveness of artificial accretion (islands) and two levels of insolation (Insolation Direct and Shading) assays reforestation with three mangrove species in an area of Complejo Termoelectrico “Presidente Adolfo Lopez Mateos”. 24 islands or core reforestation of 10 x 10 m and 20 cm height (for subsidence in the area) were conditioned, 12 of them had to place a metal support mesh 50% shade. Avicennia germinans, Rhizophora mangle and Laguncularia racemosa, produce in nursery, were seeded on 12 islands (four for each specie), without mesh shade (Insolation Direct ID) and 12 islands (four for each specie) mesh shade (SO50%), mortality was accounting by month for a year, 2^3 full factorial design was use in order to know the influencing of species treatments and their interactions was applied. Within the nuclei of reforestation mortality was lowest for the 50% shading (SO50%) with 67.6% and 89.4% for the treatment of Direct Insolation (ID). The applied statistical sample shows that in reforestation cores decreased mortality to ID to SO50%. The species with the lowest percentage of mortality was A. germinans under SO50% with 30.6%. The interaction of the species showed a lower mortality was A. germinans and R. mangle. The recommended site reforestation species is A. germinans interacts with R. mangle in shady places.

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