
The minority survey of critical diagnoses of undertreated public health mediators now extends to socio-politics including collective illusions and ultranationalism.1 The compass, therefore, surrounding public health insecurity goes further any inefficiency in medical interventions. Unsuspectingly, exclusivity among biological and evolutionary species in health discourse impends the very core of a holistic and sustainable plan toward a healthy and secure society. If humanity would be a paragon of morals, reason and science, let no one discount animals as well. In the 21st century, animal suffering and farming draw a great deal of advocacy for ethical veganism,2 health enhancement and environmental preservation.3 This tripartite framework challenges the strict ecological boundary of public health to Homo sapiens,4 and means to reduce animal suffering or maltreatment, premature mortality and greenhouse gas emissions, respectively. More to the point, we are in no position, by all means of reason or logic and empirical footing, to set only the circle of public health concerns to humans; otherwise, a planetary dystopia is a known unknown probability.

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