
Vedas , which are accepted one of the most ancient written scripture of the world, underlie Hindu religious life. These texts are important not only to understand Hinduism but also Buddhism and Far East culture generally. The term of Vedas , in a narrow sense, is used only for four sacred texts including Rig , Yajur , Sama and Atharvaveda , but in wider sense, besides these texts, it comprises all the scriptures entitled the Brahmanas , Upanishads and Aranyakas known as sruti (heard). The discussions about the place and authority of the Vedas in religion are based on the problems of the origin of Vedas , and there are basicly two different opinions on the matter. According to first opinion, shaped within the framework of Mimamsa School, Vedas are eternal. By the other view, Vedas are formed in the mind of sage/saint called rishis and by the time uttered as voice/words. So, Vedas are the works of rishis themselves. In this article we try to give some knowledge about Vedas and deal the opinions alleged for its origin

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