
As a 21st century trend, sustainability has encompassed the entire world economy, including industry. The concept of “Industry 4.0” is already known today. It promotes the computerization of manufacturing by interconnection, information transparency, technical assistance and decentralized decisions. In recent years, companies in the metal materials industry have also implemented strategies and technologies belonging to the Industry 4.0 concept. The main aim of the manuscript is to identify the key issues in the evolution of the development of the metal materials industry. The transition to a higher level of its evolution is based on two vectors, namely: the ecological paradigm, as a vector of in-depth knowledge, and sustainable material, as a vector that ensures sustainability in the areas of convergence of systems in the spheres of life and social consciousness. The systems that have an impact on the sustainable development of the metallic materials industry through the interactions between them are the technological system, the social system and the natural-ecological system. The main objectives of the paper are the investigations into the interconditions of ecology–economy, and the correlations of ecology–economy–energy, investigations that led to the establishment of new scientific branches (ecometallurgy, metallurgical economics, metallurgical ecosociology and sustainable materials engineering) in terms of global knowledge, and which allow the expansion of the field of implementing knowledge of sustainable development in the metal materials industry. The paper is based on literary foundations, obtained from libraries; databases such as Web of Science (WoS), Scopus and Google Scholar; sustainable universal principles; and legislative parameters.

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