
Using an improved lattice Hamiltonian with massive Wilson quarks a variational method is applied to study the dependence of the vector meson mass MV on the quark mass m and the Wilson parameter r in two-dimensional SU(NC) lattice gauge theory. The numerical results show that for NC = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, …, in the scaling window 1 ⩽ 1/g2 ⩽ 2, MV/g is approximately linear in m, but MV/g obviously does not depend on r (this differs from the quark condensate). Particularly for m → 0 our numerical results agree very well with Bhattacharya's analytical strong coupling result in the continuum, and the value of (∂MV/∂m)|m=0 in two-dimensional SU(NC) lattice gauge theory is very close to that in Schwinger model.

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