
We estimate the vector interaction strength of the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) parametrizations, assuming that its transition curves should be as close as possible of the recently studied RMF-PNJL hadron-quark phase diagrams. Such diagrams are obtained matching relativistic mean-field hadronic models, and the PNJL quark ones. By using this method we found for the magnitude of the vector interaction, often treated as a free parameter, a range of 7.66 GeV$^{-2}\lesssim G_V \lesssim 16.13$ GeV$^{-2}$, or equivalently, $1.52 \lesssim G_V/G_s \lesssim 3.2$, with $G_s$ being the scalar coupling constant of the model. These values are compatible but restricts the range of 4 GeV$^{-2}\lesssim G_V \lesssim 19$ GeV$^{-2}$, recently obtained from lattice QCD data through a different mean-field model approach.

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