
A classical computation of vector bremsstrahlung in ultrarelativistic gravitational-force collisions of massive point particles is presented in an arbitrary number d of extra dimensions. Our method adapts the post-linear formalism of General Relativity to the multidimensional case. The total emitted energy, as well as its angular and frequency distribution and characteristic values, are discussed in detail. For an electromagnetic mediation propagated in the bulk, the emitted energy $E_{em}$ of scattering with impact parameter b has magnitude $E_{em} \sim e^4 e'^2 \gamma^{d+2}/(m^2 b^{3d+3})$, with dominant frequency $\omega_{em} \sim \gamma^2/b$. For the gravitational force the charge emits via vector field, propagated in the bulk, energy $E_{rad}\sim[G_D m' e]^2 \gamma^{d+2}/b^{3d+3}$ for $d \geq 2$, with dominant frequency $\omega\sim\gamma^2/b$ and energy $E_{rad}\sim[G_5 m' e]^2\gamma^{3}\ln \gamma/b^{6}$ for $d=1$, with most of the energy coming from a wide frequency region $\omega \in [\gamma/b),\gamma^2/b] $. For the UED model with extra space volume $V=(2\pi R)^d$ the emitted energy is $E_{UED}\sim (b^{d}/V)^2 E_{rad}$. Finally, for the ADD model, including four dimensions, the electromagnetic field living on 3-brane, loses on emission the energy $E_{ADD}\sim[G_D m'e]^2\gamma^{3}/(V b^{2d+3})$, with characteristic frequency $\omega_{ADD}\sim\gamma/b$. The contribution of the low frequency part of the radiation (soft photons) to the total radiated energy is shown to be negligible for all values of d. The domain of validity of the classical result is discussed. The result is analyzed from the viewpoint of the deWitt - Brehme - Hobbs equation (and corresponding equations in higher dimensions).


  • The contribution of the low frequency part of the radiation to the total radiated energy is shown to be negligible for all values of d

  • Inspired by earlier ideas of the Universe as a topological defect in higher-dimensional space-time and the TeV-scale supersymmetry breaking in heterotic string theory associated with compactification [7, 8], they appeared in several proposals

  • A detailed study of classical electromagnetic radiation emitted in ultra-relativistic collisions of massive point-like particles was presented

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The model

We compute here a classical spin-one bremsstrahlung in ultra-relativistic gravity-mediated scattering of two massive point particles m and m′. Particles are localized on the observable 3-brane and interact via the gravitational field gMN , which propagates in the whole space-time M1,D−1. Variation of (2.1) with respect to zM and z′M gives the particles’ equations of motion in the covariant form m DzM = e F MN zN , D′z′M = 0 ,. Varying the action with respect to the metric gMN , one obtains the Einstein equations. In order to resolve the equations of motion we use perturbation theory with respect to the gravitational coupling and the electromagnetic coupling. As was argued in the Introduction, one expands the metric as a perturbation on the Minkowski background: gMN = ηMN + κDhMN and finds the solution of equations of motion in each order iteratively. All tensors are to be considered as tensors in flat space-time, as well as raising/lowering of their indices

Approximation method
The radiation formula
The radiation amplitudes
Destructive interference
The total radiation amplitude
The emitted energy
Total radiated energy
The ADD bremsstrahlung
The UED bremsstrahlung and average number of Kaluza-Klein modes
Scattering of two charges
Coherence length
Restrictions and possible cut-offs
Results and conclusions
Beaming angular integrals
B Self-action account
C An alternative proof of destructive interference
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