
The veA gene is a key regulator governing morphogenetic development and secondary metabolism in many fungi. Here, we characterized and disrupted a veA orthologue in an ochratoxigenic Aspergillus niger strain. Morphological development, ochratoxin A (OTA) biosynthesis, and oxidative stress tolerance in the wild-type and veA disruption strains were further analyzed. Accordingly, the link between the veA gene and development of specific gene brlA, OTA biosynthesis key gene pks, and oxidative-stress-tolerance-related gene cat was explored. Results demonstrated that the veA gene acts as a positive regulator of conidia production, OTA biosynthesis, and oxidative stress tolerance in A. niger, regardless of light conditions. Darkness promoted conidial production and OTA biosynthesis in the A. niger wild-type strain. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the veA regulatory mechanism and suggest the veA gene as a potential target for developing control strategies for A. niger infection and OTA biosynthesis.

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