
We propose a formalism for the full functional specification of enumerator methods, which are C# methods that return objects of type IEnumerable or IEnumerator. We further propose a sound modular automatic verification approach for enumerator methods implemented using C# 2.0's iterator blocks (i.e., using yield return and yield break statements), and for client code that uses for-each loops. We require for-each loops to be annotated with special for-each loop invariants.The approach prevents interference between iterator implementations and client code. Specifically, an enumerator method may read a field o.f only if o is reflexively-transitively owned by an object listed in the enumerator method's reads clause, and the body of a for-each loop may not modify these objects. For example, we verify that a for-each loop iterating over an ArrayList does not modify the ArrayList. Note that one may break out of a for-each loop at any time to perform modifications before the iteration is complete. This in effect invalidates the iteration since the for-each loop cannot be resumed.We support specification of non-deterministic enumerations, infinite enumerations, and enumerations that terminate with a checked exception, but not enumerations with side-effects. We support verification of an enumerator method only if it is implemented using yield statements, and verification of client code only if it performs a for-each loop on an enumerator method call. That is, the present approach does not support explicit creation or manipulation of IEnumerator objects.Our approach integrates easily with our concurrency approach (presented at ICFEM06), since both are based on read/write sets.This approach was initially presented at FTfJP05. Please refer to this paper for related work, references, and a soundness proof.

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