
The purpose of the article is based on the works of Vasyl Hadzhega from the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, published mainly in the Scientific collection of the society «Prosvita» in Uzhhorod (1922–1938) and the local history magazine «Pidkarpatska Rus» (1923–1936), and based on archival sources and other materials, to present the history of Transcarpathia from the end of the 9th century, in particular the dates of the foundation (from the 11th century) of many settlements, churches and monasteries in Transcarpathia that had a Ruthenian (Ukrainian) ethnic character. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the replenishment of the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) population and the strengthening of the Ruthenian-Ukrainian ethnic core took place during the 11th–13th centuries as a result of the resettlement of Ruthenians from Galicia, Kyiv, Chernihiv and other Ruthenian lands; in the 14th century Rusyns from Podillia, who came with the Podillia prince Fyodor Koryatovych; in the 14th–16th centuries Ukrainian settlers based on the so-called Kenez (Schultheiß) law mainly from Galicia, as well as Bukovyna and Volhynia. It is emphasized that an important component of this concept is the researcher's dates of foundation (from the 11th century) of many settlements, churches and monasteries of Transcarpathia, which had a Ruthenian (Ukrainian) ethnic character, as well as the use of the Greek rite and the Old Slavic language in religious services. At the same time, it is noted that Vasyl Hadzhega belonged not only to prominent researchers of the Ukrainian history of Transcarpathia, but also to the leading, Ukrainian-oriented, cultural, church and public figures of the region in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, he was one of the founders and leaders of the society «Prosvita» of Subcarpathian Rus, the Ruthenian National Museum, the Cooperative Union, the Central Ruthenian People's Council and other organizations. It has been established that his scientific and popular scientific articles played an important role in the dissemination of historical knowledge, in the formation of national consciousness and the establishment of state aspirations of the Ukrainians of Transcarpathia. Keywords: Vasyl Hadzhega, historical and archival studies, historical sources, Ruthenian villages, Ruthenian churches, Ruthenian monasteries, Ruthenians (Ukrainians), counties.

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