
The pathophysiology of renal dysfunction in generalized sepsis remains unknown. In this study, 24 hours after surgical induction of peritonitis in 20 volume-loaded sheep, three patterns of renal function were seen. In group 1 (n = 8), glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decreased by 70%, urine volume by 85%, absolute sodium excretion by 95%, and fractional sodium excretion by 83%. Group 2 (n = 4) exhibited similar sodium retention but GFR did not fall. Group 3 (n = 8) showed no change in GFR or urine volume and only minimally reduced sodium excretion. Mean arterial pressure fell 17% in group 1 only; central venous pressure, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, and plasma volume were maintained at or above presepsis values in all groups. Cardiac index was either increased or unchanged, and renal plasma flow was maintained in all groups; there was thus no hemodynamic evidence to suggest volume contraction. Histologic examination showed only minor changes with no consistent pattern. Renal functional changes correlated with other manifestations of severe sepsis--GFR and sodium retention correlated significantly with increased cardiac index, decreased systemic vascular resistance, pulmonary arterial hypertension, leukopenia, hypoproteinemia, and hypoglycemia. All of these changes were most marked in group 1. In groups 1 and 2, plasma renin activity (PRA) increased and urinary kallikrein excretion decreased. PRA correlated inversely with GFR, urine volume, and sodium excretion; urinary kallikrein excretion correlated positively with urine volume and sodium excretion. Urinary excretion of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha was increased in groups 1 and 2 and correlated inversely with mean arterial pressure in group 1 animals. During sepsis, urinary thromboxane B2 excretion continued at presepsis values in all groups. The results suggest that unusual reciprocal changes in activity of the renin-angiotensin and renal kallikrein-kinin systems may play a role in the renal response to sepsis. PGI2 synthesis is increased and may affect systemic hemodynamics and renal function; the role of thromboxane A2 in this context is unknown.

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