
In recent decades, the endoscopic methods and technologies for laryngeal examination have improved so much that not only epithelial changes, but also vascular changes are recognizable at earlier stages. When comparing newer and older literature, the associated increasingly differentiated descriptions of such visible vascular changes of the vocal folds lead to terminological blurring and shifts of meaning. This complicates the technical-scientific discourse. The aim of the present work is a theoretical and conceptual clarification of early vascular changes of vocal folds. Horizontal changes of benigne vascular diseases, e. g. vessel ectasia, meander, increasing number and branching of vessels, change of direction may develop in to manifest vascular lesions, like varicosis, polyps and in case of ruptures to haemorrhages of vocal folds. These beginning and reversible vascular changes, when early detected and discussed basing on etiological knowledge, may lead to more differentiated prognostic statements and adequate therapeutic decisions, e. g. phonosurgery, functional voice therapy, voice hygiene and voice rest. Vertical vascular changes, like vessel loops, occur primarily in laryngeal papilloma, pre-cancerous and cancerous changes of the vocal folds. Already in small cancerous lesions of the vocal folds the vascular architecture is completely destroyed.

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