
This article reports the results of an inventory of the vascular plants from a site in north-central Oklahoma. Three hundred thirty-eight species of vascular plants in 224 genera and 78 families were collected. The most species were collected from the families Asteraceae (56), Poaceae (50), and Fabaceae (27). One hundred fifteen species were annuals, 221 perennials, and 2 were biennials. Forty-nine species of woody plants were present. Twenty-seven exotic species were collected representing 8% of the flora. No species listed as threatened or endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were encountered. However, four species tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory (2005); Fraxinus quadrangulata (G5S2S3), Penstemon oklahomensis (G3S3), Symphyotrichum dumosum (G5S1), and Urtica chamaedryoides (G5G4S?) were present.

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