
The most commonly atherosclerosis affects the aorta, coronary, iliac and extracranial arter ies . C alcification is a pathological manifestation o f vascular changes in atherosclerosis. At the pathologic development of atherosclerotic plaques and increasing the proportion of calcium compounds, included in its composition. Study on the relationship of calcification of the coronary and carotid arteries subject of many studies. The calcium deposits found arterial wall proteins specific to bone matrix. No one was surprised by the deterioration of bone tissue with age, and this is due to close biological and pathogenetic links atherosclerotic calcification and bone formation. They could not washed out components of the bone matrix "settle" in atherosclerotic plaques? This assumption is the subject of many studies. On the one hand, it is proved that a significant bone loss correlates with a more rapid progression of vascular calcification, increased risk of mortality from coronary heart disease and other forms of atherosclerosis. At the same time marked by mixed results with regard to gender differences in osteoporosis in patients with coronary artery disease, usually associated with low physical activity, the volume of adipose tissue, the number of pregnancy, lactation and menopause. Diabetes highlighted especially among the factors influencing the decline in bone mineral density and degree of calcification of the vascular wall with an increased risk of vascu lar events by 150% to 400%. But on the impact of violations of carbohydrate metabolism in the bone mineral density, as well as its "quality" with an increased risk of fractures according to world literature among scientists disagree. Thus, the predictive scale FRAX prized highly informative method for predicting fracture risk in the general population, but also noted that in patients with diabetes type 2 FRAX type significantly underestimates the risk of fracture, which is associated with a transforming bone microarchitecture with an increase in density and thickness cortical layer, resulting in a false increase in bone mineral density. "Gold" standard for diagnosing osteoporosis is considered to be an X-ray d ualenergy densitometry and quantitative assessment of coronary calcification how and brachiocephalic arteries - mult i s lice computed tomography using Agatson scale. To date, it is clear that atherosclerotic calcification and bone mineralization process, of course, have a number of similar parts of the pathogenetic process, however, a clear answer to the question about the presence or absence of a direct relationship calcification and changes of mineral bone density is not obtained.


  • Наиболее часто атеросклероз поражает аорту, коронарные, подвздошные и экстракраниальные артерии

  • Diabetes highlighted especially among the factors influencing the decline in bone mineral density and degree of calcification of the vascular wall with an increased risk of vascular events by 150% to 400%

  • Ⱦɨɤɚɡɚɧɨɞɨɫɬɨɜɟɪɧɨɟɭɜɟɥɢɱɟɧɢɟɨɬɥɨɠɟɧɢɹ ɤɚɥɶɰɢɹ ɜ ɤɨɪɨɧɚɪɧɵɯ ɚɪɬɟɪɢɹɯ ɩɪɢ ɫɧɢɠɟɧɢɢ ɩɥɨɬɧɨɫɬɢ ɤɨɫɬɧɨɣ ɬɤɚɧɢ ɢ ɭɜɟɥɢɱɟɧɢɟ ɪɢɫɤɚ ɪɚɡɜɢɬɢɹ ɢɧɮɚɪɤɬɚ ɦɢɨɤɚɪɞɚ ɂɆ >@ 6FKXO]

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Наиболее часто атеросклероз поражает аорту, коронарные, подвздошные и экстракраниальные артерии. Сахарный диабет выделен особо среди факторов, влияющих на снижение минеральной плотности костной ткани и выраженность кальциноза сосудистой стенки с повышением риска развития сосудистых катастроф от 150% до 400%. Прогностическая шкала FRAX признана ценным высокоинформативным методом по прогнозированию риска переломов в общей популяции, но также отмечается, что в отношении пациентов с сахарным диабетом 2-го типа FRAX существенно недооценивает риск развития переломов, что связывают с трансформацией микроархитектуры кости с увеличением плотности и толщины кортикального слоя, приводящей к ложному увеличению минеральной плотности костной ткани.

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