
ABSTRACT Dual super massive black holes (SMBHs) at sub-kpc to kpc scales, the product of galaxy mergers, are progenitors of eventually coalescing binary SMBHs. If both or one of the dual SMBHs are accreting, they may appear as dual AGNs or off-nucleus AGNs. Studying such systems is essential to learn the dynamical evolution of binary SMBHs as well as the process of galaxy merging. Recently a novel astrometry-based method named varstrometry has been put forward to search for dual SMBHs at high redshift, as the unsynchronized flux variability of dual AGNs (or off-nucleus AGNs) will cause astrometric jitters detectable by Gaia without spatially resolving them. Based on Gaia varstrometry, we select a rare sample of five radio loud quasars with clear Gaia astrometric jitters. With e-MERLIN observations, we have revealed a single compact radio source for each of them. Remarkably all but one exhibit clear Gaia-radio offsets of ∼9–60 mas. The observed Gaia jitters appear consistent with the expected values. These detected Gaia-radio offsets suggest these candidate dual SMBHs may have projected separations as small as ∼0.01–0.1 arcsec (∼0.1 kpc, depending on the optical flux ratio of two SMBHs). Meanwhile, this work highlights the remarkably high efficiency of Gaia varstrometry selection of jittering sources.

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