
A complex projective manifold is said to be weakly special if none of its finite étale covers has a dominant rational map to a positive-dimensional manifold of general type. Weakly special manifolds are conjectured by Harris and Tschinkel (Rational points on quartics, Duke Math. J. 104 (2000), 477–500) to be potentially dense if defined over a number field. In a previous paper by F. Campana (Special varieties, orbifolds and classification theory, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 54 (2004), 499–665), the stronger notion of special (complex projective) manifolds was introduced. These are conjectured in (9.20) of that work to be exactly the potentially dense manifolds (when defined over a number field). The two notions of specialness and weak-specialness coincide up to dimension 2, but differ from dimension 3 on, as shown by examples . This is consistent with the standard links (Lang and Vojta for varieties of general type, the first author's previous work in general) expected between the hyperbolic and arithmetic behaviour of projective varieties in cases where the second conjecture (stated by Campana) holds. Conversely, if the conjecture stated by Harris and Tschinkel is true, these expected links between arithmetics and complex hyperbolicity should fail to hold on these examples already.

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