
Among the emerging sports injuries, injuries of the upper and lower extremities deserve special attention. Most of the injuries of the lower extremities are injuries of the ankle joint. The main pathogenic link in the occurrence of an ankle joint injury is the level of impact of the traumatic moment. Further, the processes of damage to the soft tissue component, the ligamentous -muscular apparatus and bone-articular structures begin. Then it manifests itself mainly in the development of soft tissue edema in the area of the injury, followed by the launch and development of pathogenic changes. Blood and lymphatic vessels are damaged, which are the main trigger for the formation of edema. All these processes are associated with the occurrence of subsequent compression of the surrounding tissues, an increase in edema and the development of a severe pain syndrome. The search for literature sources made it possible to determine the existing problem and assess the relevance of the ongoing scientific research. The study is aimed at developing and searching for new modern methods, therapy regimens. The aim of the work is to improve the quality of therapy for ankle joint injuries in athletes and to achieve early recovery of lost functions with a return to full-fledged sports activity

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