
In this article author discuss investigation of control valve flow channel with regulating element equipped with meshed screens set on it. The issue provides engineers and scientist with the results of a series of experiments without using of flow noise muffler at the control system scheme.The main idea is to obtain technical information on how to exclude the flow noise muffler from the control system's scheme. Such kind of knowledge is considered to be necessary for the following application in the feed water flow control systems meeting modern and next generation requirements of regulatory documents on vibration and flow noise characteristics.It is discussed the research of the feed water control valve at the test bench mostly. There were designed a several types of scheme for flow channel construction with different meshed screens and they arrangements into it, flow restriction circuits, cartridge constructions etc. It was chosen the two-step pressure reducing scheme of flow channel after the theoretical analysis, which then was produced and fitted with meshed screens at both steps.It is said in the article that the results of discovery bring out the useless of perforated rubber elements implementation into the flow channel construction. They do not make any effect on the acoustic field of control valve. Besides, application of elastic elements makes difficulties for the manufacturing of flow channel and considered as low reliable.The issue provides reader with the information on flow noise level and its excess over the established level by the control valve under study. It is shown how to refine the flow channel construction with regulating element up to the modern and next generation requirements. Also, the proposal of how to exclude flow noise muffler from the schemes of control systems are listed.

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