
Through this chapter it is aimed to know the various criteria of Techno-pedagogy in teaching -learning process. In this ever evolving world, amendment is that the solely constant. Progress is not possible while not adapting to the dynamical circumstance. As a result of advancements in science and technology there ought a paradigm to shift in teaching -learning method and one to adopt to those changes to be profitable. The impact of technology on education sector is palpable and thought of as a god in disguise because it is aiding in clearing the impediments that prevail within the method of instruction the least bit levels of education. Technology with promote universal access to education render quality education, encourage the teaching fraternity towards their skilled development and the impact of technology on teaching and learning is immeasurable. In teaching -learning process teachers are apply pedagogy in the context of classroom and teachers measure this impact in the achievement of students. So, the multiple skills of teachers are most important in the present day context. In various educational institutions, the technological component is use teacher in the classroom (projectors, slide etc.) So, update of teachers pedagogical skill is most important and its impact to student’s success. Various technological challenges are removing in various contexts. In this perspective due to the rapid change in the field of ICT in teaching -learning process. So, in the present context techno-pedagogical knowledge and skill most important in teaching -learning process.

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