
Wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) is the most important European tree species in the family Rosaceae (Russell 2003). It is very valuable forest species that grows in mixed forests in Southern, Central and Western Europe. In the growing stock of Serbia wild cherry falls into the category of species at risk (Banković et al. 2009) to which is not paid enough attention. The researches of population structure and genetic variability at the level of genotypes and/or populations are the basis for the knowledge on the adaptive and genetic potential of wild cherry in some area. The morphological variability of leaves in nine natural populations of wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) in Serbia was studied in this paper. The research material was collected in nine natural populations of wild cherry in Serbia (Figure 1, Slika 1). The leaves from ten trees per population were collected while every tree was presented with 50 healthy and intact leaves. The leaves were collected from borderline trees or trees located in an isolated position usually from the southern exposed part of the crown, from its outer well-lit part. Leaf morphological characteristics were described by descriptive statistical indicators: arithmetic mean (x), standard deviation (SD), coefficient of variation (CV). In order to determine the intra-population and inter-population variability the univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed. Results obtained by performed statistical analysis of studied morphological characteristics of wild cherry leaves showed that the most variable characteristic is the leaf surface area (LA). The analysis of variance (ANOVA) confirmed presence of statistically significant differences between values of the arithmetic means of the studied characteristics on both inter- and intra-population level. Populations varied the most in the petiole length (PL) and the smallest differences were observed in the leaf length (LL). Intra-population variability is greater than inter-population variability. Based on the conducted researches it can be concluded that in the studied wild cherry populations a high rate of variability of the studied leaf morphological characteristics was determined. The obtained results are the basis for the continuation of the research that needs to be conducted in order to provide guidelines and recommendations for the conservation and targeted use of genetic resources of this species in Serbia and beyond. For a complete knowledge on the variability of wild cherry in a part of the natural area the research should be expanded by the use of molecular markers.

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