
Halide perovskite semiconductors such as MAPbI3 always fluctuate around their stoichiometric compositions due to the weighing or annealing, which causes performance variation of related devices. Here, we investigate the comprehensive impact of non-stoichiometric MAPbI3 precursor on the performance including power conversion efficiency (PCE), hysteresis, and stability of printable mesoscopic perovskite solar cells (p-MPSCs). Excess MAI improves PCE, suppresses hysteresis, and enhances stability by promoting hole transport and passivating defects evaluated by a designed mesoporous space-charge-limited-current device, while excess PbI2 impairs device performance. Replacing excess MAI with other monovalent cation halide salts including guanidinium iodide (GUAI), 2-phenylethylamine hydroiodide (PEAI) and rubidium iodide (RbI) further improves the device PCE to 17.02% and minimizes the hysteresis. Our work reveals that making monovalent cation halide salts such as MAI rather than PbI2 excessive is positive for the comprehensive performance enhancement of PSCs and developing more suitable salt substitution will benefit industrializing PSCs.

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