
Objectives: To compare frequency of complications in open surgery versuslaparoscopic surgical management of varicocele among adolescents at a tertiary care hospital.Study Design: Randomized controlled trial (RCT) study. Setting: Unit-I Department of GeneralSurgery, Nishtar Medical College and Hospital, Multan. Period: January 2014 to February 2015.Material and methods: Group A was managed by open surgery while group B patients hadundergone laparoscopic management. All data were analyzed by SPSS – 20. Results: A totalof 100 patients with varicocele were taken. Mean age of our study cases was 26.59 ± 5.54years. Mean duration of surgery was 33.16 ± 5.97 minutes. Mean hospital stay in our studywas 45.60 ± 12.53 minutes. Mean duration of disease was 5.31 ± 1.41 months. Of these 100study cases, 19 (19%) were obese. Post-operative complications were noted in 32 (32%) ofour study cases. Recurrence was noted in 19(19%) of our study cases, hydrocele formationin 10 (10%) and wound infection was noted in only 03 (3%) of our study cases. Conclusion:Our study results conclude that laparoscopic management of varicocele is safe, efficient, costeffective and reliable procedure. Complications are significantly less than that of open surgery.Laparoscopic management is associated with significantly less duration of surgery and shorterhospital stays than that of open surgery. By using laparoscopic technique we can decreasemorbidities among targeted population which will provide relief to the suffering families as wellas be helpful for hospital authorities in terms of short hospital stays leading to less investments.

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