
Bambara groundnut (BGN) fits the bill when it comes to an acceptable level of nutrient and mineral composition. BGN is a balanced food that can help eradicate food and nutritional insecurity if it is incorporated into the major food system. However, there is a large degree of variation in nutrient composition and antinutritional factors among BGN accessions. Here, we show the degree of variability of nutrient and antinutrient components such as percentage ash, moisture, protein, fat, tryptophan, tannin, and phytate contents in seeds of 95 accessions of BGN. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by correlation and principal component analysis. Clustering was done to show the relatedness between the accessions in response to the various traits. A high level of heterogeneity was observed among the accessions for the various traits studied. PC1 and PC2 show 41.2% of the total observed variations. Cluster analysis grouped accessions into four main clusters. This study was able to confirm the high level of diversity in the components of nutrients and antinutrients previously reported in BGN. The results of this study are expected to aid in identifying parent lines for improved breeding programs.

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