
To assess current ultrasound scanning protocol in outpatients with suspected deep vein thrombosis (DVT), in particular whether practitioners routinely scanned calf veins. A standard questionnaire was sent out via post to all radiology departments in the United Kingdom (UK) and via the British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) website in 2010. Responses were entered into Access® and database queries were run to analyse responses. Free-text comments were taken into account in our analysis. A total of 277 responses (50 through the BMUS website) were received (46% postal response rate). Of them, six were excluded as these were incomplete. Thus, 97 (36%) were consultants, 13 (5%) accredited vascular scientists (AVSs), 153 (56%) sonographers and six (2%) higher radiology trainees. All AVSs scanned the whole limb and used all three modalities of compression, colour and pulse wave Dopplers. Practice across other health-care professionals varied. In all, 120/176 (68%) of other health-care professionals trained in vascular ultrasound scanned the whole limb routinely and 82/120 of these used all three scanning modalities. Trained sonographers scanned the whole limb significantly more than the medical cohort (P = 0.017). The use of all three modalities varied significantly between AVS and the non-AVS trained professionals (P = 0.0194), the trained medical cohort of consultants and sonographers (P = 0.0001), and trained and non-trained respondents (P = 0.0113). The commonly chosen reason for not scanning the whole limb was that it had poor sensitivity for calf vein DVTs. Free-text reasons for not scanning the whole limb routinely included local protocols prohibiting it. There is a discrepancy between the scanning protocols of medically trained and allied health-care professionals, trained or otherwise in vascular ultrasound, and between these groups and AVSs. This is likely to have an impact on clinical governance.

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