
The mineral composition of submersed apical shoots of Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx from Lees Pond and Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire, U.S.A., was analyzed from 1976 to 1978. Minerals analyzed were P, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu, as well as ash. Apical mineral content was influenced by both the seasons and sample site location. Seasonal variations in mineral content were largest for Fe and Mn. A generalized seasonal pattern for Na, K, Ca and Mg was a summer maximum. Fe and Mn had late winter maxima, while ash, P and Zn had no significant seasonal variation. Recurrent seasonal patterns were most pronounced for Fe, Mn and Na. Seasonal maxima in Fe content were greater at tributary sampling sites than at non-tributary sites. The recurrent seasonal variations in mineral content observed in this study suggest that the time of sampling can greatly influence the results and therefore the interpretation of tissue chemistry studies of submersed hydrophytes.

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