
Wood samples were collected from a teak (Tectona grandis) plantation established in Gambari Forest Reserve (Dry Forest) near Ibadan in south-western Nigeria. Values of percentage pith eccentricity (PPE) of bole cross-sections were computed using appropriate geometrical methods. Also the growth rings of the cross-sections were identified and their widths measured. Pith eccentricity and ring width did not vary significantly between plots on the site. Variations in pith eccentricity and ring width between trees on plots were very highly significant (at 0.1% probability level). Pith eccentricity and ring width varied along tree boles: the effect of height above the ground was very highly significant in each case. On average, pith eccentricity was highest at the base and top of the merchantable bole. The magnitudes of variations in both pith eccentricity and ring width along the bole differed between the plots: plotsx levels interaction effect was very highly significant in each case. A decrease in ring width corresponded with an increase in the age of the vascular cambium. Only small proportions of the variation in pith eccentricity could be estimated from concomitant variations in radial growth rate (ring width), bole form factor and crown depth; the values ofr2 were 11%, 10% and 11% respectively.

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