
Urban sprawl is a global phenomenon that has resulted in a substantial impact on ecosystem services. This study assessed how land use changes have affected the ecosystem services in Dhaka and Gazipur districts, two important economic centers of Bangladesh. This study analyzed changes in land use categories and their effects on ecosystem services during a thirty-year period, from 1990 to 2020, using LandSat data and published coefficient values. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis was undertaken to evaluate the ramifications of altering these coefficients on the resultant estimated values. The study revealed that in both Dhaka and Gazipur districts, the expansion of settlement areas and the reduction in tree vegetation cover have led to a significant decline in the overall value of ecosystem services. Over a 30-year timeframe, Gazipur experienced a more substantial loss in tree vegetation cover compared to Dhaka, whereas Dhaka witnessed a greater increase in settlement areas than Gazipur. Remarkably, during the most recent decade (2010–2020), the Gazipur district encountered heightened urban expansion and a more significant reduction in tree vegetation compared to Dhaka. The loss of the entire ecosystem service value was significant, amounting to USD 206.24 million for Dhaka and USD 381.27 million for Gazipur. This loss was primarily attributed to the decline in agricultural land, water bodies, rivers, and a reduction in tree vegetation. The study recommends that a more responsible land-use plan be created to protect tree vegetation, sustainable agriculture, and water bodies, which have the highest ecosystem service value in the study area. Overall, this study highlights the need for sustainable land-use techniques and offers insightful information about how urbanization affects ecosystem services in the investigated areas.

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