
The insect immune system faces various challenges; particularly in social bees, caste system and age polyethism expose individuals to numerous environmental and working conditions. However, little is known about how cellular defenses in social bees may be organized to respond to a variety of immune challenges. Here, we describe the morphological features and the total and differential counts of hemocytes in different female classes (newly emerged workers, nurses, foragers, and virgin queens) of the eusocial stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata. Granulocytes and prohemocytes were, respectively, the most and the least abundant cells among all classes of females. Furthermore, there were more prohemocytes in virgin queens than in foragers. The total number of hemocytes was smaller in foragers, whereas the largest number was observed in nurse workers. This reduced amount of hemocytes in foragers might allow energy savings to perform colony activities such as foraging and defense. Foragers also had the biggest hemocytes (either prohemocytes, granulocytes, or plasmatocytes) in comparison to the other classes of females, which might have arisen as a compensation for the reduction in number of these cells during aging. These results suggest that profiles of hemocytes of M. quadrifasciata vary according to the caste and age of this eusocial bee.

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