
The abundances and distribution patterns of mono-, di- and trimethylated 2-methyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyltridecyl) chromans (MTTCs) and long-chain alkylbenzenes in extracts of marl (66 samples), anhydrite (15) and halite (1) strata of the Salt IV Formation of the Oligocene Mulhouse Basin are reported. The distributions of the methylated MTTCs indicate salinity changes of the upper part of a density stratified water column of the basin. These variations are explained by a tectonically or climatically induced change in the supply of water of relative lower salinity to form a layer overlying the deeper water brine. Hence, it is suggested that mesohaline (3.5–15%) conditions in the surface waters were established as a result of periodic incursions of marine water and subsequent evaporation. Conversely, during periods when the surface water was derived mainly from fresh water from the hinterland, lower average salinity in the surface layer resulted. The distributions of long-chain alkylbenzenes also appear to record these changes.

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